Monday, October 22, 2018

Alien Afterhours


Skin: (+Father+) - Xul Unisex Skin

Hair: (Action Inkubator) - Hair Grey

Shirt: (Gild) - Zebra Cut Tank (Black)

Backdrop: (The Bearded Guy) - The Grid - Nightcall Backdrop

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

When The Sun Goes Down


Hair: (No.Match) - No_Center (Red Pack)

Mask: (The Little Bat) - Explicit Mask - (The Men Jail Event)

Harnes: (::GB::) - Magical Harnes/Masical Brand Tattoo - (Dark Style Fair)

Claws: (Conviction) - The Claws (Salem Event)

BackDrop: (#Cranked#) - Backdrop Madhouse Horror Scene (Dark Style Fair)

Monday, October 8, 2018

Sexy Zombie Slayer


Hair: (No.Match) - No_Future (Brown Pack)

Mask: (The Little Bat) - Explicit Mask - (The Men Jail Event)

Vest: (Cubura) - Luca Vest - (Ironwood Hills)

Jock: (4Bidden) - Just Delicious Brief Jock - (The Monthly Darkness Event

Shorts: (Cubura) - Jack Shorts - (Black Fair)

Shoes: (Rebellion) "Nagato"Ninja Boots (Dubai Event)

Katana: (Zombie Suicide) - Katana (Men Only Monthly)

Backdrop: (Joplino) - Backdrop Deadly Lift - (The Darkness Monthly Event)

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Somthing Beautiful


Skin: (+FATHER+) - Lee Unisex Skin 

Hair: (Wasabi) - Raven Hair (Brown Pack)

Collar: (Rebellion) - Delilah Leather Collar

Blouse: (Spectacledchic) - Lestat Blouse (White) - (Salem)


  Credits: Headphones: Tengu Headphones from Knifu @ Mancave Shorts:  Davin Interactive Shorts from Duk